Energy Independence


The time is right for Christian Coalition of Ohio supporters and allies to step forward to promote energy independence initiatives.  Taking responsibility to care for God’s creation and protecting the future of our children and grandchildren is a core family value.  Further delays in action will impact our national security, our economic security, and our family security.

We believe that an all-of-the-above “comprehensive” approach is needed.  We can create clean energy jobs by building and using made-in-Ohio technologies to reduce our dependency on foreign oil and work towards a much more diversified and secure energy future.

The Christian Coalition of Ohio will advocate for solutions based on two central principles:

1.    We should take action now with solutions that tap Ohio innovation.  Ohio based inventors, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers should be the leaders in a global transformation towards the development of more secure energy choices.

2.    We believe that we can better ensure our national security and strengthen our economy at the same time by developing Ohio energy resources and investing in clean, renewable energy technologies that create jobs here in Ohio.

Helping Ohio and its Families: We believe that all families should have access to renewable and alternative energy sources, as well more energy efficient cars, trucks and household appliances, in order to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.  Cost-effective policies should be enacted at the state, local and federal levels to accelerate a free-market shift to a cleaner, cheaper energy future.Ohio leadership and technology innovation can spur global progress and grow our economy, as we seek opportunities to export “made-in-America” clean energy technologies throughout the world.  Long term solutions however must have participation from all countries, including China and India.

Resolving to Take Action: As conservatives, we stand up for our country’s national security and the health of our economy.  And, as Christians, we recognize the Biblical mandate to care for God’s creation and protect our children’s future.

The cornerstone of the Christian Coalition’s work will be education.  Knowledge is the key to addressing these complex issues.